How can I maintain before & after IPL hair removal treatment?

update time:2021-04-27

Before treatment:

Firstly, check whether your skin care products contain photosensitive chemical ingredients, such as diclofenac, benzocaine, methoxypsoralen, trimethylpsoralen, angelic acid, fluorescent whitening agents, bergamot sesame oil, lemon oil, sandalwood oil, etc.. If not, you can just skin care as usual. If so, wait until finished the treatments so that to using.

Secondly, prepare sunscreen products, such as sunscreen, sunscreen shirt, sun umbrella or hat. After the treatment is completed, you can enjoy the sun! Once the treatment is started, sun protection must be done so as to protect the skin!


During the treatment :

Do not use the hair removal device with the gel, with the IPL hair removal handset, you only need to do skin care before and after treatment.


After the treatment :

If your skin feels nothing after the treatment, then you just need to maintain with some moisturizing gel. If your skin feels a little hot, you can apply ice to the affected area on your own. If your skin has a severe reaction, please see a doctor in time and then contact us to help you solve your problems.

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