Does everyone suitable for IPL hair removal ?

update time:2021-04-27

Adverse reactions that may occur after using the IPL hair removal device include: erythema, odema, desquamation, hyperpigmentation, or depigmentation. At present, many medical literatures on the utility of IPL hair removal devices and even international consumer research and experimental organizations are based on Caucasians. In general, the risk of hair removal by Caucasians using IPL hair removal devices is relative lower to that of colored people.  Because of the darker skin color, the colored people have more melanin which absorbs better light energy. Excessive heat energy may be more likely to damage the skin tissue. With optical hair removal, the relative risk is relatively high, and the risk of people who are easy to tanen will also be Larger, you must pay more attention when using it. To know if the skin is dark or light, refer to another article "My hair and skin color suitable for hair removal ?"

In addition, people maybe not suit to use with our hair removal devices as blow:

1. If you have tattoos or dark marks such as birthmarks, freckles, scars(etc.)

2. If you have veins or blood vessels appearing on the skin

3.If you have diabetes or lupus erythematosus

4. If you have defective immune systems 

5. If you are pregnant women

6. If you have recently sunburned skin or suspected skin cancer

7.If you have abnormal blood clots

8.If you have epilepsy

9.If you are taking the following drugs: oral contraceptives, anti-inflammatory drugs, sulphon Sulphonamide group antidiabetic , antibiotics (such as tetracycline), thiazide diuretics, antihistamines, anticoagulants, retinoids, or immuno suppressants .

 In fact, except for IPL hair removal device, the electric hair removal devices, razors, hair removal waxes and other relatively inexpensive products (although the hair removal effect is not ideal) are also possible to be considered.

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