What is home use IPL hair removal?

update time:2021-04-27

First of all, you have to know what’s the means of IPL ,Intense Pulse Light,which is high-powered, hand-held, computer-controlled flashgun to deliver an intense, visible, broad-spectrum pulse of light, generally in the visible spectral range of 470 to 1200nm and when the wavelength is more than 470nm that would be safe for our skin.



Secondly, the light IPL hair removal penetrates the dermis of the skin to the hair follicles and irradiated melaninl that would be converted into heat energy, then destroy the hair follicles to achieve the hair removal effect. Due to the light would through the dermis of the skin, so it won’t hurt your skin health and if you use according instruction maybe your skin condition can be improved!

The last but not least, comparing with salon treatments or laser treatments, the IPL at-home use hair removal treatments is affordable and convenient to be yourself.

IPL was the future of at-home use hair removal. Now the future is here, in DIOER, in your hands.

Hope this would helpful for you, anymore question , please email us at info@dioerbeauty.com, We will get back to you ASAP.

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